Worldwide Leader in Life Force Technology !!!
The Site of Karl
Hans Welz, the Inventor of the
Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Orgone
P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
- e-mail
Phone: (770) 783 0563 -- Mo-Fr, 11-5 Eastern Time
- Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary +36 20 468 8180
shortest distance between two points in the universe is a structural
link™ |
For You, the Chi-Card® Secures a Continuous Supply of Chi Energy with all its Benefits! Your Chi-Card® is Energy in your Billfold !!! In fact, with this continuous extra powerful transfer of Chi Energy, you can now have all the energy you need to begin taking control of money, profession, business, relationships, and life itself! In addition to this, you can now use your Chi-Card® as Your Personal Pocket Mind Machine that requires absolutely no head phones or goggles !!! |
Your permanent CHI-CARD®
Activate it Now!
Like the activation of your FREE trial Chi-Card®, activation of your permanent Chi-Card® is as easy as 1-2-3 !!! |
Chi-Card® Activation Options |
Option 1: Chi-Card® for three months - you will receive it by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Option 2: Chi-Card® for six months - you will receive it by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Option 3: Chi-Card® for twelve months - you will receive it by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Original Manifestation Program Options |
Option 1: Original Manifestation Program (downloadable, permanent, Alphabet of Success ikons) - you will receive your Chi-Transfer diagram by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Original Manifestation Programs + Chi-Card® Options |
Option 1: Chi-Card® for three months with Original Manifestation Program (downloadable, permanent, Alphabet of Success ikons) - you will receive your Chi-Card® by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Option 3: Chi-Card® for six months with Original Manifestation Program (downloadable, permanent, Alphabet of Success ikons) - you will receive your Chi-Card® by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Option 5: Chi-Card® for twelve months with Original Manifestation Program (downloadable, permanent, Alphabet of Success ikons)- you will receive your Chi-Card® by e-mail (.jpg format) and you can print it yourself. |
Your Chi-Card® Provides Energy in Three Main Areas of Life Experience.